Kaiba exodia
Kaiba exodia

Joey: Trust me, you're like the best player I've ever seen, and you've got the Millennium Puzzle. Teach that rich, spoiled brat what a real duel's all about. Joey: We can take care of your grandpa while you take care of creepy Kaiba. Your friends can care for your grandfather while you and I duel. Teach Kaiba respect for the heart of the cards, Yuugi. And I taught you everything I know, Yuugi. Seto: Yes, the Blue-Eyes White Dragon is a rare and powerful card and this one will never be used against me. Téa: Kaiba, you should be ashamed of yourself. But I guess playing against a champion like myself was just too much stimulation for the old fool. With each of us putting up our most valuable card as the prize. I wanted to teach that boy Kaiba a lesson about the heart of the cards, but I lost. Why don't you come by my office and pick him up. But why would he leave the door unlocked? Joey: Okay Gramps, I'm back to get more cards. Joey: Man, I hope he has some cool cards today. But I'll teach him a lesson about the heart of the cards. Lackey: My master, Seto Kaiba, challenges you to a duel. Seto: Gentlemen, there's a little something I'd like you to pick up for me at the Game Shop. And one way or another, his Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. Seto: Fine! I've heard enough of your nonsense. You see, this precious card has bonded with my heart. Yuugi: You'd feel the same even if it were a common card, right Grandpa? So parting with it is completely out of the question. This card was given to me by a dear friend and so I treasure this card as I do that friend. Not because of its power or because it's so rare, but because of what it means to me. But this card is worth more than you could ever offer. If you won't trade, maybe you'll sell it. Gimme your Blue-Eyes White Dragon card and I'll trade you all of these. Is there anything else I can help you with? Seto: Now does this shop have any worthwhile cards or not? Can it be? The Blue-Eyes White Dragon in a dump like this? It is. Maybe you'd like to settle this with fists instead of cards. Hah, you wouldn't last two minutes in a duel against me. Seto: I am the number one ranked duelist in the country, and the favorite to win the Duel Monsters championship. Seto: Me? Duel you? I'd have more of a challenge playing solitaire. Maybe we could all duel together sometime. Joey: Hey, are you into Duel Monsters too? This is perfect.

kaiba exodia

Seto: Not that it's any of your business, but I came to see the card. Tristan: Doesn't he have a big fancy company to run? What's he doing down here? Seto: If you can't, it certainly wouldn't surprise me. I meant, show me some other cool cards to get me started. Joey: Speaking of priceless, I'm ready to trade! There are only four of them in all the world. Tristan: It doesn't look all that special to me. The Blue-Eyes White Dragon, so rare, so powerful, I never let it leave my hands. Hah hah! How could I refuse? You kids are in for a treat. Solomon: Rare card? My special card? Hmmm. Yuugi: Gramps, could you show my friends your awesome, super rare card? Solomon: And I see you've brought company. Seto: Rare card? Could they have found the card that I've been searching for? Yuugi: Okay, maybe I could even get my Grandpa to show us this super rare card he's got.

kaiba exodia

See, my Grandpa owns a game shop and I get all my best cards from him. Tristan: Whoa, you stink at this game, Joey. A card that powerful totally wipes me out. Yuugi: Yup! Pretty good move, but not good enough. The first player to eliminate the other player's life points wins the duel. Téa: See, each card has an attack number and a defense number. Joey's starting to get the hang of the game, but Yuugi's like an expert.

kaiba exodia


Joey: Hey Tristan, Yuugi here's teaching me how to play Duel Monsters. Tristan: Oh, isn't he cute when he's thinking? Yuugi: Hey Joey! Earth to Joey! Hey, are you in there? It's your turn. He is infused with ancient magical energies, for destiny has chosen him to defend the world from the return of the Shadow Games, just as the brave Pharaoh did five thousand years ago. Now, five thousand years later, a boy named Yuugi unlocks the secret of the Millennium Puzzle.

kaiba exodia

Until a brave and powerful pharaoh locked the magic away, imprisoning it within the mystical Millennium Items. But these Shadow Games erupted into a war that threatened to destroy the entire world. Voice: Long ago, when the pyramids were still young, the Egyptian Kings played a game of great and terrible power.

Kaiba exodia